So yeah, the title says it all. I'm still alive and mostly well. Still being lazy about my blog, but a lot of interesting things have happened in the past few months, but as you can see, I clearly haven't been blogging about it. Two epicly awesome things that happened to me that I have to share though are:
1. I met Brian Joo-- twice. ♥
2. I went to Japan-- twice (the first time I went to Japan was the 2nd time I met Brian ^^)
So those things were cool.
I kinda feel like I should really go back and catch up on everything that's happened the past few months, but I also feel like that's just gonna take forever, and am considering just starting the blog from here on out, and maybe updating once a week or so... Or I might just end this blog altogether, and start an anonymous blog so that I can talk about eveything without censoring any of the.... uhh more interesting parts. >:)
I don't think a lot of people are reading my blog anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter too much what I decide to do with it haha
I Have Moved...Corrected
10 years ago
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